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Bmw56can + isimple is76 with ipod classic

Bmw56can + isimple is76 with ipod classic

07 bmw 530i
Isimple is76

I had my bmw56can professionally installed with a rear and front facing camera. I want to add the isimple is76 to connect my ipod classic to watch videos and listen to music through my idrive system. After plugging in the yellow white and red component cables, I see the video but have no sound.

Did the professionals forget to connect something from the bmw56can unit to my factory stereo? I have factory aux but the isimple is76 is designed to send audio and video and the bmw56can unit should be able to receive audio since the red and white components are available.

Thanks for any help!
Patrick Lankford 06/13/2016 12:38 a.m.

Bmw56can + isimple is76 with ipod classic


the BMW56CAN is a video-only module - the audio in your vehicle is fiber optic and not that simple to integrate audio. There are white/red RCAs on the input harness, but those are only pass-through pairs and will send audio back out (to the AUX outputs on same harness) if supplied - for example, if someone added a DVD player and had rear headrest monitors, it would allow you to easily switch the video source and would send the same audio source out to the screens when AUX video 1 or 2 etc was activated. You'll need to route your audio (only) signals from the iSimple piece directly to your OEM AUX input to accomplish what you want. Then, you could activate the factory AUX source, and also switch our BMW56CAN over to the (iSimple) video source and you'll have both Audio and Video functionality.
BmarTECH 06/13/2016 11:35 a.m.

Bmw56can + isimple is76 with ipod classic

Ok, thank you for your help there. My next question is will i be able to use my idrive and steering wheel controls to control the ipod? The isimple cord allows this functionality, but I am not sure if the bmw56can unit does. Thanks again!
Patrick Lankford 06/14/2016 3:43 p.m.

Bmw56can + isimple is76 with ipod classic

Hey Patrick,

Unfortunately, neither the iDRIVE or the steering wheel will be able to control the ipod with your setup. The BMW56CAN only introduces video to the factory screen, nothing else. The parts you have are really only converters.
BmarTECH 06/15/2016 9:12 a.m.

Bmw56can + isimple is76 with ipod classic

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