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Double Click Delay (Porsche 911, PCM3.1 XG-CAM)

Double Click Delay (Porsche 911, PCM3.1 XG-CAM)

I just got my NavTV and Cam6 installed, love it!

One nit though; I have the multifunction wheel, and double-clicking the mute button toggles the camera.
That in itself is fine, but the double click "delay" seems massively long. I can mute, wait many seconds, then unmute and get the camera display unexpectedly.

Can this double click delay be modified, or the double click shortcut disabled entirely?
Derek Stutsman 06/02/2017 7:42 p.m.

Double Click Delay (Porsche 911, PCM3.1 XG-CAM)

I can mute, wait many seconds, then unmute and get the camera display unexpectedly. starjack iosmile
Rory Leg 12/19/2019 2:52 a.m.
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