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  • Volvo CAM 12

    The Volvo Cam kit adds an aftermarket back up camera to the factory 6.5” screen in select Volvo vehicles. Additionally, this module will enable video in motion (VIM) and navigation control in motion (CIM) if equipped. 

  • CTS-11 CAM

    Factory replacement camera for select Cadillac CTS vehicles.

  • GLK-CAM2

    Factory replacement camera for Mercedes GLK 2011+.


    Factory replacement camera for Mercedes GLK 2010.

  • VTC-RR12

    Adds video in motion to select 2012-2013 Range Rover vehicles.  No programming is necessary, but it does require a bit of hardwiring behind the factory touch screen.


    The TOY-CAM 2 kit includes a camera and harness to connect to the factory media screen in select 2012+ Toyotas. The signal connection to the radio is plug & play, however the camera will have to be manually powered.

  • S2P (Signal to Power)

    The S2P provides a 12v accessory source from multiple signal inputs. It can be triggered from a video signal, CAN/GMLAN signal and low voltage/negative input. 

  • Barracuda 44

    Video in motion and forced (OEM) rear camera for select GM vechicles.


    The GVIF-NISSAN Kit allows the user to add up to 3 video (only) inputs and/or a backup camera input to the factory NAV screen in select Nissan & Infiniti vehicles. 

  • W204-12 (non-dynamic)

    The W204-12 Kit allows the user to add up to 3 video inputs and a backup camera input to the OEM 7” media screen in select Mercedes vehicles. 
