Relay Attack Explanation
How Push-to-Start vehicle technology makes your automobile an easy target for thieves, and what you can do to protect it
OBD BLOCK is designed to protect the OBD-II diagnostic connector from unauthorized access. Using the system allows you to prevent the hacking of regular software when connected to the OBD diagnostic connector and thus protects the car from theft.
KEYLESS BLOCK disables the Keyless system if there is no key fob or smartphone next to the car. When a key fob or smartphone appears next to the car, the regular Keyless system is activated and keyless access for the owner is restored. Dual CAN version
KEYLESS-BLOCK PLUS disables the Keyless system if there is no key fob or smartphone next to the car.
Tiny device that locks engine using the CAN bus. Authorization with a PIN-code entered using the standard buttons or with a key fob. AR-20 relay responsible for additional safety circuit is a part of set.
IGLA 231
Tiny device that locks engine and other car systems using the CAN bus. Authorization with a PIN-code entered using the standard buttons or when a smartphone used as a key fob is detected.
IGLA 200
Tiny device that locks engine and other car systems using the CAN bus. Authorization with a PIN-code entered using the OEM vhicle buttons